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My Mayan Guru, Don Jacinto Tzab Chac

Blessings dear ones… I share with you this photo to share with you the radiant, noble vibration of my Mayan Guru, Peace Shaman Don Jacinto Tzab Chac. Don Jacinto (pronounced Haseento) was a living Saint who was trained at the age of 14 to heal, defend and protect Humanity, places, spaces, land and sacred Waters. While I was training with Him, I often felt that my training was taking place at snail-pace and overcome with the agony of impatience, I would burst into tears. He would ask me why I was crying and I would express that I longed to immediately possess the vast Wisdom He did… that I yearned to assist Humanity by relieving them of pain and suffering.

During such moments of heart-wrenching spiritual despair, Don Jacinto would reassure me that I would inherit the Divine Powers and Knowledge necessary to carry on the Mayan Soul Retrieval Work of our Mayan Lineage. He promised to bequeath it ALL to me, and told me that I was already a Master, and just needed to learn the Mayan Soul Retrieval Sacred Science, to become a Peace Shaman and Master Healer.

I am forever indebted to Don Jacinto, that He did keep his promise. All the Divine Grace that was poured through Him for His Work as a Peace Shaman, began to pour through me, and continues. I am forever conscious that it is Don Jacinto’s Grace, and the Grace of my other Gurus, that performs the miracles attributed to me. It is all Their doing, along with the Grace of the Divine Mother of the Multiverse, and the Legions of Light, who work through me as a Holy Team. I can never replay the honor of being Their humble Instrument.

The Luminous Energy that my Gurus radiated, opened the doors for the Cosmic, Universal Healing Wisdom and Power to flow into me and infuse every cell and layer of my being. Through the Power generated by Their Purity, I was purified. Through the Power of Their Divine Commitment, I became infused with unwavering Fidelity to the Light. Through the Power of the Wisdom They cultivated on Their Path, I became established in that Wisdom. And so can you.

What will it take? Showers of Grace for Light Activation and Soul Power Amplification. If you desire to experience your greatness in every area of your Life… if you yearn to live your best, most Positive,most Peaceful, and Happiest Life, the fastest path to receiving all the Good that the Light has in store for you, is to receive the potent infusions of Divine Grace.

If you wish to reach the pinnacle of Peace, Wisdom, Self-Love, Strength, Luminous Power, and One-ness with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Divine Protectors, you must clear out layers of negative karma and the negative energies that have accumulated within you. 


You were created to be a Divine vessel for Divine Grace. If you desire to experience more Light pouring into your mind, body, Soul and Life, your mind, body and Soul must be purified and strengthened.

What areas of your Life do you wish to purify?

What strengths and goodness do you choose to fortify and augment?

What levels of Luminous Creativity and Spirituality do you choose to expand?

While I was apprenticing with Don Jacinto, at every Sacred Ceremony that He conducted, He blessed me. He invoked Success for my Mission, as well as Mighty Spiritual Protection, and my Highest Destiny.

So that you may also be Blessed by Don Jacinto and the Mayan Lineage, the Masters moved me to create for you the Holy Shaktipat Limpias Soul Retrieval Prayer sessions that we offer on this website.These Prayers and Mantras provide your Soul Clearing, and Healing, so you can accomplish the great things you desire.

During the Prayer, just as Don Jacinto did for me, I invoke your Success, Balance, Happiness, Health, Wisdom, Protection, Peace, and much more. Knowing how much your Life Success can be enhanced by the Prayers of the Mayan Lineage, I EnCourage you to move mountains, to arrange for a session right away. Commit to amplify the Light in your Soul and your Life, right now, by scheduling a session or series.

You have incarnated so many times during your Soul existence… now, may you exert Divine Determination to secure this mystical experience, and place your Self on the fast track to your Highest Destiny.

You are not alone in this Divine Quest… Your Angels, Divine Protectors, Spirit Guides, and I, are with you, and we are cheering you on!


~ Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song

Mayan Peace Shaman Don Jacinto Tzab Chac

Mayan Peace Shaman
Don Jacinto Tzab Chac

Mayan Guru, Don Jacinto
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