Peace Mother’s Eclectic Background
Peace Mother was trained in Mayan Soul Retrieval Holy Shaktipat Limpias and Sacred Ceremony by Don Jacinto Tzab Chac, one of Mexico’s greatest Mayan Shamans. She travels the world, carrying on the Peace Shaman Work of Her Mayan Lineage.
Before apprenticing to Mayan Shaman Don Jacinto Tzab Chac, Holy Mother immersed Her Self in the Sacred Mantras of India and the spiritual practices outlined by Her root Guru, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa and Siddha Master Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, the Spiritual Head of Siddha Yoga. With the Divine Grace of Her Gurus, Peace Mother Mastered the Healing Power of Sound to the Highest Degree, and credits Her Gurus, Mayan Lineage of Shamans, and Spirit Guides, for the Miraculous Powers that flow through Her.
When you are in contact with Peace Mother, when you receive online or by-phone Holy Shaktipat Limpias from Her, you are in contact with the Purest Grace…the Miraculous Power that She Inherited from Her Teachers. This miraculous Power (also known as Grace and Shakti) is the Life Force of the Universe. It is a living current of Grace that can transform your Life by connecting you to the Fountain of Grace. Every time you connect with Peace Mother, your Life Force is activated further, amplifying your Luminous Power to create and experience Wholeness and Radiance in your Life.

Mayan Peace Shaman
Don Jacinto Tzab Chac
Peace Mother’s background is an eclectic one. She is an example of the Oneness of the Universe. She is a Mayan Peace Shaman, a Guru and a Divine Mother Vessel. All of these roles have allowed Peace Mother to have the direct experience that Grace exists in all Virtuous Paths. Due to Her eclectic background, She is able to truly impart the energy of “In Lak'ech”…the Mayan philosophy of Oneness, Peace and Harmony. Her message and the Spiritual Protection Tools She provides us, are universal in achieving Oneness, Peace and Wisdom. They are a healing remedy to your challenges and everyone’s challenges, regardless of age, gender, or cultural background. By studying the Spiritual Wisdom of various traditions, Peace Mother has gleaned the most golden pearls from each Path and She offers those golden pearls of Wisdom to you, in the form of Impeccable Warrior of Light Teachings, Holy Shaktipat Limpias, Tools and Online Courses.
Peace Mother is the embodiment of the Divine Mother of the Universe, a Miraculous Being. She removes shamanic amnesia and mystically quickens our Spiritual Essence. As an Impeccable Warrior of Light, She is able to remove our pain and limitations. Her Ancient Wisdom is the medicine to modern ills. In each Spiritual Protection Service, in Her books, music and videos, Peace Mother blends traditions perfectly, to saturate you in Inspiration, Courage and Insight. Like many beings around the world, you too can experience that Peace Mother can guide you to the Peace, Healing and EnLightenment, EmPowering you to live your Highest Destiny, as a Champion of Light!