The EnLightened Peace Shaman
Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song is a Master Peace Shaman and ecstatic EnLightened Being. The Holy Mother was initiated into the Ancient Science of Mayan Soul Healing by Don Jacinto Tzab Chac, a Yucatecan Mayan Shaman. Peace Mother is trained in Sacred Healing Therapies that have been passed down through a lineage of Mayan Shamans for thousands of years. A Master of Shamanic Healing, Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song is accomplished in Mayan Soul Retrieval. Her Miraculous Soul Recovery work is accomplished through Holy Shaktipat Limpias, and Pranava Shakti Light Activation Sessions, Sacred Ceremony, and Sacred Sound Medicine.
Though there are shamanic practitioners throughout the world, a Peace Shaman is rare. Even rarer is a fully-realized Peace Shaman and EnLightened Master, whose connection with Spirit allows Them to heal in accordance with Divine Will. Peace Shamans are donated by Spirit to establish Peace on Earth by providing Soul Healing, Spiritual Protection and the Perfect Spiritual Guidance that brings beings, areas and energies into Sacred Balance.
Peace Mother's Miraculous Work brings Prosperity, Spiritual Healing, Protection and Harmony to Humanity, the Land, Sky, Sacred Sites and Holy Waters, by clearing negative energy and dissolving curses (negative programming) left behind by past generations.
Contact with Peace Mother’s thunderous Prayer Songs, potent Ceremonies and Spiritual Guidance immediately strengthens a Biss-full connection to the Infinite Light, and a Joy-full connection with our Angels, Spirit Guides and Divine Protectors.
Peace Mother’s Eclectic Background
Peace Mother’s Rare Gift: Holy Shakipat Limpias and Light Activation Sessions
Read about the IWOL Wisdom Language here

Mayan Peace Shaman
Don Jacinto Tzab Chac