Shaman’s Art Journal E-Books
The Shaman’s Art Journal: A Guide to Self Healing and EnLightenment series by Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song is available through iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 12
Kundalini, Your Soul’s Journey
In Kundalini, Your Soul’s Journey, Peace Mother shares Sacred Teachings on Kundalini Shakti, the Energy of the Universe that leads people towards Soul growth, Wisdom and EnLightenment. Peace Mother illuminates your Soul’s Journey by imparting Teachings on how Kundalini Shakti activates your chakras. Comprehension of how these hubs of Divine Energy-Life Force radiate Light and Life Energy into the body, will quicken your spiritual advancement to help you raise your energy to heal the lower chakras and ascend to the Higher Chakras such as the Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakra.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 12 is available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 11
Chakra Healing, Awakening Your Cosmic Energy Centers
In Chakra Healing: Awakening Your Cosmic Energy Centers, Peace Mother imparts Sacred Wisdom on the many ways you can nourish and heal your your Sacred Energy Centers. Conscious care for your chakras is essential for creating a Balanced, Harmonious, Healthy, Happy Life and Peace Mother provides you essential, yet easy-to-apply Sacred Tools and Training for cultivating thriving chakras.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 11 is available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 10
Zen, Deep Peace
In Zen: Deep Peace, Peace Mother imparts shamanic wisdom on how to cultivate deep states of inner Peace and what you can do to overcome the challenges in achieving the state of Zen in your daily life. In this illuminating book, the Holy Mother shows you how Deep Peace is possible, regardless of your worldly conditions. Peace Mother’s Life-transforming Teachings include easy, yet potent exercises that will help you maintain consistent inner stillness by connecting with
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 10 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 9
Karma, The Atlantis-Maya Initiations
In, Karma, The Atlantis-Maya Initiations, Peace Mother reveals the role karma plays in shaping our lives and how we can work through our personal and collective karmas to triumphantly arrive at each destined moment of initiation into Higher Wisdom.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 9 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 8
Healing Hands, Cosmic Bliss Blossoms
In Healing Hands: Cosmic Bliss Blossoms, Peace Mother introduces you to the healing creative power present in your hands. She shares how to build a triumphant spiritual foundation that will support your healing abilities and every aspect of your Soul Journey.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 8 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 7
God of War, Defeating Hate, Anger and Hostility
In God of War: Defeating Hate, Anger and Hostility, the Holy Mother shares the Sacred Shamanic Science behind war, violence and hate, revealing why and how we experience many forms of evil and darkness both individually and as a society. Despite the apparent rise of inner and outer tyrants, each of us has the power to increase the Love, Light, and Divine connection in our life, thereby dissolving the God of War and its army of dark forces that are hostile toward the Light.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 7 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
Shaman’s Art Journal Book 6
The Mother Earth, Compassionate Jaguar of Light installment of the Shaman’s Art Journal series contains Light Activation Art Work created by Peace Mother’s Spirit Guides and the Wisdom Teachings it inspired. Receive the Healing Power of Mother Earth’s Love and Light in a profound way, by practicing the simple, yet powerful Sacred Mantras, exercises and meditations contained in this Sacred Book.
Learn about Mother Earth’s Luminous Jaguar Power, how your soul is connected to Mother Earth and how your time spent here is meant to purify, strengthen and evolve you into a Light filled Master. Elevate your consciousness with the Light Activation Artwork to align your energy with the Ancient Wisdom of Mother Earth.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 6 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
Shaman’s Art Journal Book 5
Book 5, Birth of a Shaman, shares the spiritual tests Peace Mother mastered to become an empowered Peace Shaman and Spiritual Healer. Birth of a Shaman contains wisdom teachings, stories and lessons on:
– Cosmic Eyes and The Eternal Witness
– Serpent Initiation
– The Portal/Ring of Fire
– The Mother of All Wisdom
– The Shaman’s Purity and Power
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 5 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
& Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 4
In Book 4, Spirit, Peace Mother shares the tests and trials She overcame to become a purified, perfected instrument for Spirit and the multitude of divine beings and energies that flow through Her. In Spirit, you will deepen your connection with Spirit as you accompany Peace Mother through the mystical and profound spiritual training bestowed by Her Teachers and Spirit Guides.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 4 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
& Noble.
Shaman’s Art Journal Book 3
In Book 3, Violet Light, Peace Mother shares how Her study of the universal healing force known as the Violet Light of Transmutation bestowed upon Her countless spiritual gifts, accelerating Her soul expansion and igniting profound healing power within Her. This universal compassionate force can empower you to heal all types of soul fragmentation, dissolve negativity, focus your power and live an illumined life, aligned with your brightest soul path.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 3 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 2
In Book 2, LOVE: The Ceremonial Bowl and Sacred Flame, Peace Mother shares how Her own devastatingly painful experiences with love and relationships triggered a “dark night of the soul” purification of Her ego, which resulted in Her complete awakening and emergence as a master.Sharing ancient shamanic wisdom and timeless spiritual teachings, Peace Mother provides encouragement, guidance and training on how to heal emotional pain and imbalance in our lives and become the golden instrument for pure LOVE.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 2 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Shaman’s Art Journal Book 1
Book 1, Divine Grace, addresses your primordial relationship with Grace and the feelings of loneliness, fear, and other challenges we encounter as we travel our spiritual path. Sharing timeless wisdom and Her own experiences, Peace Mother shows us how to discard beliefs that create pain in our lives and awaken to the Divine Grace that is ever with us.
The Shaman’s Art Journal Book 1 available at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.